Foundation English Test

An English test for jobs that require entry-level English

The Foundation English Test offers a simpler and fairer assessment. It gives entry-level English users a chance to show what they can do, and not worry about what they can’t, with an accurate result that employers can rely on. 

Many high stakes English tests include tasks that assess the full range of proficiency levels. This makes them less suitable for those with basic or intermediate levels of English.

The Foundation English Test only assesses lower levels of English, which makes it more appropriate for candidates who only require entry-level English (A1 to B1 levels on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)). It’s quicker to complete and more affordable. 

What types of organisations will benefit from an entry-level English test?

The Foundation English Test tests English at a vocational level. It is ideal for the organisations that work with employment candidates, who are looking for work requiring English level from A1 to B1. It is a high quality, accurate assessment enabling you to evaluate lower-level English skills of your candidates and employees in the context of both everyday and workplace environments.

Recruitment agencies and companies

Foundation English Test is for companies, institutions and employment agencies, recruiting or facilitating recruitment.  

The Foundation English Test can boost your effectiveness in recruiting a workforce that can communicate in English at the right level.

Companies and organisations

Recruit vocational, blue collar or manual workers with the right entry-level English skills.

Employment agencies

Make it easier to match people to the right job with a clear assessment of their skills.

Get in touch to use the Foundation English Test for recruitment 

Elevating employment prospects

The Foundation English Test can boost your effectiveness in helping people succeed in an increasingly competitive job market.

Foundation English Test is for vocational schools, government bodies, organisations facilitating recruitment. It is a high quality, accurate assessment enabling you to evaluate lower-level English skills of your students and job seekers at a more vocational, work-related type of English level.

Vocational schools, colleges, and universities

Make sure your students and school leavers have a solid foundation to enter the world of work. 

Government agencies and bodies

Give candidates the essential skills they need to build careers which drive economic prosperity.

Any other organisation facilitating recruitment

Improve your ability to assist people into placements, training, and jobs by correctly assessing their English level. 

Get in touch to use the Foundation English Test for employability

The test format 

The content of the test is a mixture of everyday English and English used in a workplace environment.  

A key element of this test is the test length – we’ve purposefully cut the overall duration to make the test more manageable. It takes 80-90 minutes to complete the test and results are available in a quick turnaround.   

However, we still test the four key language skills in enough depth to give an accurate result.

Designed, developed and delivered by the British Council, the test is delivered on a computer and has four components – Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. It measures English proficiency from A1 to B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).  

Find out more about the test format